Frontier Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct will apply to all users of Frontier Development's products and/or services and are designed to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for all users.
The following Code of Conduct is non-exhaustive. Frontier reserves the right to modify this Code of Conduct at any time and take action, including termination of user's accounts, at its sole discretion.
The Code of Conduct will apply to all users of Frontier Development's products and/or services and are designed to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for all users.
Users agree to adhere to the following rules of conduct at all times and also abide by a reasonable, thoughtful and respectful code of conduct. Users are required to take community standards into consideration and refrain from abusive or deceptive conduct. Above all, the rights of other users should be respected.
Behaviour & Communications
Frontier Developments may, at our discretion, take action to address inappropriate behaviour or communications conducted on our platform(s). Frontier reserves the right to update or add to these rules without prior notice. All code of conduct violations are interpreted, judged and enforced at the discretion of the moderation and customer support teams. Behaviour that detracts from others' enjoyment includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Naming conventions
Any custom naming entered in our video games, forums or other Frontier owned platform must adhere to the same rules as other communications. As such, names should not contain anything that may be construed as offensive, obscene, inflammatory, profane, or illegal. Names also must not breach any of the criteria listed below.
Personal details
Keep personal information safe and secure. Do not disclose personal account details, real name(s) or addresses, personal contact numbers, email addresses, or any other personally identifiable data relating to an individual or Frontier Developments employee. We request, as a safety precaution, that users not disclose sensitive information about themselves or others in our games.
Frontier will never ask for account login details, such as passwords, and are committed to securely managing personal data. More information can be found within our Privacy Policy
We do not tolerate harassment within our community or our games. This is defined as being insulting to any person via obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory comments. This also includes the prolonged, extensive, and/or malicious targeting of an individual or group of individuals through Frontier-owned platforms for the purposes of disruption or agitation.
Discrimination & Language
Do not discriminate against others. Being abusive, or promoting abuse, towards other players based on race, ethnicity, nationality, sex or gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or other criteria that offends other users will not be tolerated
Do not use explicit, harmful or sexual language. This includes the use of misspelt or punctuated words to insinuate, represent any of the above - also known as "masked swearing". Where Frontier may employ a profanity filter to communications in certain cases, this function does not remove the responsibility of an individual to adhere to the rules of this code of conduct.
Spam, Flooding or Trolling
Spamming is the abuse of communication methods or services to post any unnecessary, duplicate or irrelevant messages, or other non-contributing content. This includes solicitations, 3rd party advertisements and posting multiple messages of the same subject across multiple Frontier communications mediums in an attempt to garner a response from Frontier.
This criteria also includes creating content or causing disturbances for the sole purpose of instigating unrest within the community or antagonising a group/individual. Content displaying these behaviours which are shared or distributed through Frontier channels will not be tolerated.
Witch-hunts / Mob Mentality
We do not allow the use of any of our communications systems to be used for 'witch-hunts' or mob-mentality griefing that leads to targeted harassment. Pursuing such vendettas on our platform(s) or within our games, or attempting to organise such through Frontier channels, is not permitted.
(Note that this criterion relates to a distinct issue, separate from standard player/group conflicts and engagement within our games which is often an inherent aspect of multiplayer gaming.)
Naming and Shaming
The act of publicly naming an individual or group of players for the purpose of ridiculing or making accusations is prohibited. We do not allow such discussions, or any other method of communication deemed to be naming and shaming on Frontier channels.
If you wish to report the conduct of another player, please do so privately using the in-game methods we provide. Alternatively, contact our customer service or forum moderation team for assistance.
Never impersonate another player, moderator, administrator, Frontier employee or any of Frontier's partners or affiliates. This also applies to impersonation of other third-party brands or copyrights. You will not give the impression that a comment or communication emanates from any of the parties listed above.
Leading or deceiving users in such a way as to cheat or defraud them is not permitted under our Terms of Use, and can result in action being taken against your account. Scams through standard game mechanics that are not against our terms of use will be reviewed and judged on a case by case basis.
Offensive, Pornographic or other Illegal/Malicious Content
Do not post or transfer offensive material, information or adverts that illustrate illegal activity (including but not limited to: gambling, piracy, illicit pornography, obscenity, or criminal activity) or lead to malicious sites/files. Any posts of such content within Frontier channels will be investigated and action may be taken against any user found doing so.
You must not conduct any activities that violate any applicable laws. This includes laws such as copyright or trademark infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, identity theft, hacking, stalking or fraud.
Ban or Block Evasion and Discussion
Any attempts at evading or circumventing a ban, block or suspension placed on a Frontier game account will be taken very seriously and may result in that account being permanently banned. This includes when an account has been blocked or ignored by another player.
Publicly contesting any moderation action taken against Frontier accounts is not permitted, and any posts related to such will be removed from Frontier channels.
Usage of our Forum Software: users are only permitted one account unless pre-approved by a moderator or administrator. Additional accounts are automatically flagged by our services and are routinely reviewed by the moderation team. Accounts found to be evading forum suspensions, or to have a secondary Doppelgänger account for the sole purpose of violating any of the rules listed above, will be terminated with little to no notification and noted as permanently locked.
Private communications
We request that all users keep the contents of any personal messages, chats, or emails between users, moderators, or Frontier staff private unless otherwise agreed. Such messages can easily be taken out of context and subsequently misinterpreted. Simply asking the originator of the message if it is ok to post the content of the message publicly with some context can avoid this.
Legal Threats
Any threats of legal action against the moderation or support teams will be met with no response. Any legal action needs to be raised with our legal department at Frontier Developments for you to continue your dispute. You can contact them via Business Enquiries here:
We do not tolerate cheating of any kind in our online multiplayer games. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of automated scripts, programs or services offered outside of the game to generate a player advantage, altering game code or memory, sharing or trading account access with others or using cheat codes.
We do not tolerate the use of any exploits or taking advantage of any bugs in the game to generate a significant player advantage.
Any user determined to be cheating or exploiting our games or services can be subject to game moderation. Moderation can involve the alteration or removal of in-game assets, a gameplay suspension or ban, or the termination of their Frontier account. Moderation can be applied to active, historical, and promoters of cheating or exploiting.
Reporting & Blocking
If you do not want an individual to be able to communicate with you within our multiplayer game(s), you can use any provided in-game block functions to prevent further contact. This is often a good course of action and can be useful when reporting a player as well.
Elite Dangerous Series - In-game blocking and reporting
If you wish to block another player from communicating with you, or report another player for violating the code of conduct you can find the latest instructions at this URL:
How to report Steam Workshop items
If you wish to report another player for violating the code of conduct, you can find the latest instructions at this URL:
Forums – Ignore list
To ignore a user, view their profile and click the ignore button. You can review users you have ignored here:
Forums – Reporting
If you wish to report a post or a private message on any of our forums then please use the following methods to do so:
Reporting Posts
If you wish to file a complaint about any discussion thread, post, message, or content there within, please contact the moderation team by clicking on the "Report This Post" icon and text found on each post at the bottom left. Insert a reason for needing moderator review and our moderation team will review the content and decide if it complies with the forum rules. Using the Post Report Tool to make continuous, frivolous reports can result in moderation action against your forums account.
Reporting Private Messages
To report a private message (PM) that you have received from another user on the forums please open the PM and click “Report this post”. Our moderation team will review the content and decide if it complies with the forum rules.
Using the "Report This Post" tool to make continuous, frivolous reports can result in moderation action against your forum account.
Support site reports
You can contact the Frontier Support team at
Our support team will investigate any report of behaviour which contradicts this code of conduct but are unable to confirm the progress or eventual outcome of any such investigations.
Please use this process responsibly and only report behaviour that you believe directly breaks this code of conduct.